miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Arizona immigration law encourages police abuse, says Mexican president

Arizona immigration law encourages police abuse, says Mexican president The Mexican president, Felipe Calderón, has condemned Arizona's new immigration law and warned that relations with the border state will suffer as a result.

The law, which gives the police the right to stop anyone they suspect is an illegal immigrant, "opens the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement", Calderón said last night. Trade and political ties with Arizona would be "seriously affected", he warned.

"Nobody can sit around with their arms crossed in the face of decisions that so clearly affect our countrymen," Calderón said in a speech at the Institute for Mexicans Abroad.

His comments came as the furore over the law escalated, with calls growing in the US for a boycott of hotels, convention centres and other economic targets in Arizona.

Opponents of the legislation say it will lead to victimisation of anyone who looks or sounds Latino. Supporters say the legislation is needed because the state can no longer cope with an estimated 450,000 illegal immigrants.

The head of the Organisation of American States, José Miguel Insulza, said: "We consider the bill clearly discriminatory against immigrants, and especially against immigrants from Latin America."

The government of the Mexican state of Sonora, which sits across the border from Arizona, announced it would not attend a co-operation meeting the two states have held annually for four decades. The meeting of the Sonora-Arizona commission was set for June in Phoenix, Arizona.

"This is not about a breaking of relations with Arizona but rather a way to protest at the approval of the law," the state government said.

Democratic members of the US Congress, religious leaders and leftwing activists have urged a boycott of economic targets in the state. At least one national group has responded by cancelling a convention planned for the autumn. Scores of lorry drivers were reported in the US media to have threatened to stop carrying freight to and from the state.

The bill, signed into law on Friday, gives police the right to stop anyone "if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the US". It has polarised opinion across the US, creating a clear divide between Democrats and Republicans.

Cleaning crews were called to the state legislative building this morning to clear swastikas daubed on it overnight. And a Democratic congressman from Arizona, Raúl Grijalva, who called for an economic boycott against "unjust and racist" legislation, was forced to close his office at the weekend after receiving two death threats.

Among those calling for a sweeping boycott of Arizona businesses was the San Francisco attorney, Dennis Herrera, who urged city departments to look at contracts with Arizona that could be terminated.

He said: "Arizona has charted an ominous legal course that puts extremist politics before public safety and betrays our most deeply held American values."

He noted that a similar boycott 20 years ago, which included the National Football League's decision to move the Super Bowl from the state, led to Arizona dropping its refusal to recognise Martin Luther King Day.

At a rally on Sunday, Grijalva, one of Congress's leading advocates of immigration reform that would offer a route to citizenship for illegal immigrants, called for President Barack Obama to use his executive powers to block the legislation.

The sports editor of the leftwing publication the Nation, Dave Zirin, announced he would no longer write about the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team. "For me, they do not exist. They will continue to not exist in my mind as long as the horribly named 'Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighbourhoods Act' remains law in Arizona," he wrote.

The board of governors of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, based in Washington, ordered its executive to move a convention planned for this autumn from Arizona. The association president, Bernie Wolfsdorf, said: "We cannot in good conscience spend association dollars in a state that dehumanises the people we represent and fight for."

The Rev Al Sharpton, an advocate of African-American rights, said in New York that he would organise "freedom walkers", just as the civil rights movement had organised freedom riders to board segregated buses in the 1960s. "We will go to Arizona when this bill goes into effect and walk the streets with people who refuse to give identification and force arrest," Sharpton said.

2 comentarios:

  1. I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This Nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. All of us ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated, but this is not the case.

    I know the proponents of this law say that the majority approves of this law, but the majority is not always right. Would women or non-whites have the vote if we listen to the majority of the day, would the non-whites have equal rights (and equal access to churches, housing, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, schools, colleges and yes water fountains) if we listen to the majority of the day? We all know the answer, a resounding, NO!

    Today we are committed to a worldwide struggle to promote and protect the rights of all who wish to be free. In a time of domestic crisis men of good will and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics and do what is right, not what is just popular with the majority. Some men comprehend discrimination by never have experiencing it in their lives, but the majority will only understand after it happens to them.

  2. Peace for u Benito and than k you for your comment. I understand your feelings. Sometime we can feel so much unjustice.

    Goverments never don't care so much about anti-discrimination politics... What's happening in this border it's a shame and a lot of people wish to see it fall down.

    Publics opinons are choked about that news. I'm living so far away of arizona but i seen it. Sincerly, how a border agent can be scared about a boy of 15 years and shot him ? It's a no sense and it giving you the idea of police border mentality and how they treat migrants as subhumans...

    Majority it's all the people in an area Benito. All migrants in a ground don't have got politicals rights... They are mute in socities... They workings, they can pay taxs, the can consum but they can't vote. In a lot of contemporary democracy we seeing the same state of governance. Countries with 10 or 20% of migrants in them ground and no one of them can vote...

    I hopeso benito that tomorrow will be better for every human who feel opressed. When you feel injustice. Think about the futur, about all the energy that you can create for it. Your empowerment, work labour, your believes change the world u must to believe it as 1000 persons can believe about something in the same instant.

    Tomorow will be better Benito yes we can !!!
